Service 3
You ask, we create!
We create ideas for products, markets,
services, names, slogans, packaging,
processes, patents, concepts, and organisations.
Challenge us for something new!


Get a fresh approach for your business by using another viewpoint. We create new ideas for you, and you select the best...

Our expertise is in creativity. You can save time by outsourcing, and giving us the creative task, while you continue with normal business activities. We deliver new ideas to you within an agreed time, and budget.

Companies have widely varying needs for innovation skills. Advertising companies for example will have daily experience with creativity while others, such as accountants, will spend more time following rules, with only occasional bursts of innovation. Strangely, both types of company can benefit equally from external creative help.


A company that is creating ideas daily, may hit a peak in demand for their services, at this time we can be a valuable resource. The same company may also find themselves running out of fresh ideas, or want some "internal competition" to ensure the best bid for some new business. By contrast, a company that only occasionally spends time on creativity will have the disadvantage of constantly being beginners. Typically a manager will say "let's put our heads together and have a bit of a brainstorm". They will produce some ideas, but most will probably be of low quality. This becomes costly, because the hidden costs are high, and the end results often mediocre. By contrast, some high quality, well crafted and evaluated ideas may cost no more to produce, and will have a much higher return on investment when put into practice.

Ideas on time

Your might simply need a new product name, or perhaps a complex project from concept to introduction. We will deliver new ideas to you within an agreed time, and budget. If required we can supply, or recommend, project managers or planners to complete the innovation process with your team.