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Business Analysis
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Business Analysis

It has been said (wrongly) that analysis is the opposite of Creativity. At UK IDEA we embrace analysis to improve Creativity...

Analysis for creativity makes use of business management tools, to target creativity, and get a high return on investment.

A typical innovation project (for a product or service) may start by using analytical techniques such as a SWOT analysis, or DAVAR grid. This helps you to identify where your business will benefit from creative input. The output from the analysis then sets the starting point for creative techniques (this may be a broad objective so that creativity is now stifled, for example "we need a new teenage product", or "we need to improve customer retention").


After the creative process, you will typically have a long list of new ideas. You can't do everything on the list, so analysis will help you pick the best one. Using methods such as an Ansoff Matrix, or weighted grid analysis, your large list will be quickly reduced to a few contenders. These final contenders may then go on for detailed trials, tests, and costing, before a final decision is made.


Analysis of innovation to improve business performance is useful, just as analysis of finance is. Both internal and external company traits can be examined. External analysis helps you compete. It drives you to perform better than you best competitors. You can benchmark your performance in terms of product, or service innovation. A standard analysis of finance, or market share etc, may reveal where you have a weakness that needs improvement. Once you know where to improve, use creative techniques to bring about rewarding changes. Similarly, internal analysis can examine teams, processes, procedures, competencies, etc. If you have a six-sigma culture, your analysis will constantly highlight areas for improvement. In each case use the results of your analysis as a starting point for creative innovation.




The dangers of analytical logic.

It is often possible to fall into a trap of adding logical steps to analysis. The logic, not creativity, is used to produce the next obvious step. It is when logic is mistaken for analysis that the problem occurs. For this reason it is useful to have a coach, or advisor overseeing your business analysis. Creative experts may often denounce analytical techniques, however UK IDEA believe that it is logical thinking that is the problem, and not the analysis. Only by mastery of both analytical and creative techniques will companies consistently produce world leading results.