Book Reviews

Jump Start Your Business Brain

Brain Brew Books: Copyright Eureka! Institute.

What's unique about this book?

-There are theories on business success formulas

-The theory is supported by statistics and measurements

-It has a great foreword by Tom Peters (Is that unique?)


The book tells you almost everything that Doug Hall knows about creating successful products and business. If you can emulate his own success it's worth reading.


With his marketing and advertising approach to business, Doug Hall develops products based on how well the promotional material will work. Similarly if you have a great product benefit the advertising will flow easily. Researchers in his organisations have studied product success parameters, and creativity teams in process. The result is a book filled by "Laws" for Marketing and Creativity.


Half of the book is dedicated to business creativity, and the other half to crafting a marketable product. The entire book acts as promotional material for other products in the Doug Hall stable, this tactic alone should give an idea of Doug's business skills.


Taking each half of the book in order...


1. "The Three Laws of Marketing Physics"


-Have an Overt Benefit

-Create a Real Reason to Believe

-Craft a Dramatic Difference


In summary: buyers will be more likely to choose your advertised product if..... It clearly gives them a benefit, that is shown genuine, and undoubtedly unique.


2. "The Three Laws of Capitalist Creativity"


-Explore Stimuli

-Leverage Diversity

-Face Fears


Doug details the process used at his business consultancy for creating new ideas. While there is nothing new here, it is a practical system that has been shown to work. As with most of the book Doug backs up his ideas with results, for this approach he must be highly commended.


Doug's business clients spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to experience what is written in the book. If you're a small business, or have an enquiring business mind, read it.